Monday, 30 December 2013

VRO/VRA Job Complete Details

VRO/VRA Jobs In Andhra Pradesh

Application Submission Start Date : 20-12-2013
Payment Last Date : 12-01-2014
Application Submission Last Date : 13-01-2014

Date and Time of VRO Exam : 02-02-2014 10:00Am to 12:00Noon
Date and Time of VRA Exam : 02-02-2014 03:00Pm to 05:00Pm

Exam Fee : 

  • Each applicant must pay Rs.300/-
  • No fee applicable to the applicants belonging to PH category.(However they shall hand over a xerox copy of medical certificates issued in SADAREM to the concerned center)
Remittance of Fee :
  • The fee shall be remitted at any of the E-Seva / Mee-Seva / Ap-Online Center / through web portal of CGG an acknowledgement be obtained by paying only specified amount.
  • A service charge of Rs.20/- shall be paid to the service providers (E-Seva / Mee-Seva / Ap-Online Center) towards uploading of application.

Pay Scale
VRO Rs.7,520/- to 22,430/- in the PRC-2010 cales.
VRA Rs.3,000/- Honorairum and other allowances as fixed by Government from time to time.

Syllabus of VRO and VRA

General Studies    :  60 Marks
Arithmetic Skills   :  30 Marks
Logical Skills        :  10 Marks

  • 50% of questions (30 Marks) will be aimed at testing the knowledge of the candidate on rural areas and rural living conditions.

Instructions to the Candidates


1. The applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of application and
submit application through WEBSITE only.
2. The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the
WEBSITE and within the time shall only be considered and the Collectors will
not be held responsible for any kind of discrepancy.
3. Applicants must compulsorily upload his / her own scanned photo and signature
through J.P.G. format.
4. The applications available in the WEBSITE ( from
28.12.2013 to 13.01.2014 (Note:- 12.01.2014 is the last date for payment of
5. No need of enclosing any certificates at the time of filing applications.
6. Applicants are free to apply for any one of the post notified i.e., either V.R.O., or
V.R.A., or to apply for both the posts i.e., V.R.O., and V.R.A.,
7. The application fee is Rs.300/- for one post with 50% concession to SC / ST
applicants ie. Rs.150/-. 100% fee concession to Physically challenged
candidates on production of a Xerox copy of the SADERM certificate to the
concerned authorities.
8. If a candidate wants to apply for both the posts he shall pay a fees of Rs.600/-
9. The fees shall be paid in any of E-seva, Me-seva, aponline centres or web portal
of CGG and obtain acknowledgement.
10.The applicant for the V.R.A., post must be a native of the village for which he is
making application and he shall belong to the category for which the post is
11.Appointment orders to the selected candidate will be given subject to the
production of relevant Certificates relating to Age, Education qualification,
Nativity and Caste etc.,
12.IMPORTANT:- Hand written / Typed / Photostat copies / Printed application
form will not be entertained.
13.The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken
as final and data entry processed, based on these particulars only by Computer.
Candidates should therefore, be very careful in Uploading / Submitting the

Application Form Online.

Job Chart of VRA and Annexure

JOB CHART (DUTIES) Village Revenue Assistants
Category:-1: 1) Service demand notices and other process issued for
the collection of Government dues and shall obey the orders of the V.R.O in
the matter of measuring the lands and grain. Inspecting crops and carrying
messages, accounts and returns pertaining to the Government. In villages
in which there are no Village Revenue Assistants of category (2) he shall
discharge the duties of V.R.A., of that category. (Category-1: Vetti,
Kawalkar, Toti, Talayari, Tandalgar and Sethsindhi).
Category:2 A Village Revenue Assistant of category (2) shall subject to the
general control of the V.R.O., substituted as per (G.O.Ms.No. 2176, Revenue
dt.05.12.2011) incharge of the irrigation of the lands in the village where
there is irrigation from tanks and channels. (Category:2: Neeradi,
General duties:- The V.R.A., shall besides the duties specified above,
such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the
V.R.O., However, their services shall not be utilized for night watchman,
Attender in offices and for personal work of V.R.O., and other Revenue
Requirement of Rule 9(2) is that the VRA should be a native of the
Village and have adequate knowledge of the Village concerned.
Nativity may be determined based on any one of the following
documents in that order:-
1.(a) “Place of Birth” as shown in the Birth Certificate, if
available, or
(b) Nativity as issued by authority competent under
G.O.Ms.No.58 Social Welfare (J) Department, dated: 12-
(c) Ration Card
(d) Place of study for a period of not less than four consecutive
academic years out of 7 years, or place of continuous stay
for a period of not less than four years, as the case may
be, as on date the notification for selection is issued.
(e) Pass port.
(f) In the case of married women, her nativity or her
husband’s nativity, shall be determined with the
documents stated above, which can be taken into account
for this purpose, with a rider that a married women
including widows, divorced women and women judicially
separated from her husband and not re-married can chose
nativity either her own or of her husband.
(g) For a Married women Passport or a Marriage certificate

also can be relied on to determine her nativity.

Job Chart of VRO

REVENUE DEPARTMENT – Village Administration – Functions relating to the Village
Revenue Officers – Issue of revised Job chart – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.1059.                                             Dated.31-7-2007
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No. 195, Revenue (VA.I) Dept., dated 30.12.2006.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 105, Revenue (VA.I) Dept., dated 31.01.2007.
3. Representation of the A.P. VROs Association, dated 1.3.2007.
4. Minutes of the meeting of the Group of Ministers held on 3.4.2007.
5. G.O.Ms.No. 199, PR&RD (Mdl.II) Dept., dated 18.5.2007.
6. Government Memo. No. 15590/VA.1/2007-2, dated 15.6.2007.
7. From the CCLA, Hyderabad Lr.No. A3/24/2004-II, dated 20.6.2007.
O R D E R :
In the G.O. 1st read above orders were issued creating Revenue
functionary at Village level under the exclusive administrative control of the
Tashildar (MRO) to handle the work relating to Land Revenue matter at the
Village level. In the G.O. 2nd read above orders were issued creating the post of
Village Revenue Officer and the job chart to the Village Revenue Officers is also
issued. It was also ordered to recast the Job chart of Panchayat Secretaries
working Panchayat Raj Department by the PR&RD Department.
2. The Cabinet Sub Committee consisting of Minister for Panchayat Raj,
Minister for Revenue and Minister for Home, met on 3.4.2007 have approved the
new Job chart of the Panchayat functionary i.e., Panchayat Secretaries of PR&RD
Department as well as the modified Job chart of Revenue functionary i.e., Village
Revenue Officers.
3. In the G.O. 5th read above, the Panchayat Raj & Rural Development
Department have issued revised Job chart to the Panchayat Secretaries of
PR&RD Department as per the minutes of the meeting of the Group of Ministers
held on 3.4.2007.
4. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Hyderabad in his Letter
7th read above has requested the Government to issue a notification relating to
allocation of subjects to the Village Revenue Officers as per the minutes of the
meeting of the Group of Ministers held on 3.4.2007.
5. Government after careful examination hereby decided to issue the revised
Job chart of the Village Revenue Officers of Revenue Department in modification
of the Job chart issued in G.O. 2nd read above, as follows:
General Administrative / Revenue Duties:
i) Maintenance of Village revenue record sand all Village revenue Accounts
promptly and accurately.
ii) Collection of Land Revenue, Cessee, Taxes and other sums pertaining to
Revenue department.
iii) Azmoish of crops (100%) inclusive of inspection of survey stones.
iv) Issue of Certificates: The Village Revenue Officers shall issue the
following certificates in their respective Villages duly following the
1) Nativity certificate and Solvency certificate
2) Residence Certificate
3) Pahani / Adangal extracts
v) Provide intimation regarding fire accidents, floods cyclone and other
accidents and calamities to the higher officials whenever and wherever
they occur and provide assistance to the Revenue Officials in assessing
loss sustained because of natural calamities and in providing relief.
vi) Inform the Railway Station Master of any mishap or unusual occurrence of
floods that might need urgent action to prevent mishap.
vii) Preparation of pay bills of Village Servants.
viii) Maintenance of Village Chavadies.
ix) Protection of Government lands, Government tanks, trees and other
Government properties and take effective steps to safeguard the interest
of Government.
x) Inform promptly to the higher officials in respect of treasure trove and
unclaimed property and escheat.
xi) Intimate the Mandal Revenue Officer/Tahsildar of any intended demolition
of ancient buildings and any inscriptions on any such ancient monuments
which would have archaeological, cultural heritage importance.
xii) Preserve and safeguard Government lands and properties form
encroachments, damage or misuse include the lands available to the
public, such as, roads, streets and open spaces in and near their villages.
xiii) Report encroachments damage or misuse of Government lands and
damage to Government property promptly to the Mandal Revenue
Officer/Tahsildar and take effective follow-up action.
xiv) Provide assistance to the concerned authorities while issuing the
proceedings under the provisions of Revenue Recovery Act by obtaining
property details.
xv) Assist the authorities in serving of legal notices and summons.
xvi) Cause beat of tom-tom and adopt other methods for infoming people
about events.
xvii) Assist in loan recoveries.
xviii) Conduct Panchanama in recovery of un-claimed property.
xix) Keep Government attached property in safe custody.
xx) Assist in preparation, updation of electoral rolls and perform other election
duties as the government may direct.
xxi) Attend the meetings convened by Gram Panchayat in their jurisdiction and
on request to furnish information relating to sanction of pensions, number
of ration cards in circulation, house site pattas distributed and on other
matters relating to Revenue Administration.
xxii) Assist Andhra Pradesh Transaction Corporation in its operations at village
level and inform about the theft, pilferage of electricity to the concerned
xxiii) Act as “Inspector” under Minimum Wages Act, 1948 as and when notified
by the Competent Authority.
xxiv) A Village Revenue Officer when called upon to do so, produce the account,
registers and other records, maintained by him or which are in his custody
for inspection of any revenue official or any other officer authorized by the
Collector, RDO or Tahsildar. Except when called upon to produce his
accounts and other records as mentioned above, the Village Revenue
Officer shall keep the accounts, registers and records in his personal
xxv) In the event of transfer / suspension / removal / dismissal / retirement or
proceeding on leave other than casual leave, he shall hand over all the
accounts, registers, records and the like to the person duly appointed by
the competent authority or authorized to take charge by the Tahsildar.
II. Police functions:
i) Give prompt information to the police Department regarding murders,
suicides, unnatural deaths and other important developments which may
threaten peace in the village.
ii) Inform the police of strangers of suspicious appearance who have entered
and taken refuge in the village.
iii) Prevent the commission of any offence or public nuisance.
iv) Take measures to bring the offenders to justice.
v) Search for stolen property and bring to the Police Station.
vi) Preserve in-tact the scene of offence.
vii) Take charge of unclaimed property and send to the Policy Station.
III. Community Welfare and Development:
i) Assist the concerned government department in the implementation of
important Government programmes such as Indiramma Prabha, Indira
Kranthi Pathakam, National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
ii) Furnish data on income levels of persons in the village prepared on the
basis of government guidelines issued in that regard from time to time.
iii) Do necessary documentation and assist in the implementation of Weaker
Section Housing Programme.
iv) Report on the atrocities against women and children to the authorities
concerned and take action within 24 hours.
v) Report cases of atrocities against Schedule Castes & Schedule Tribes to
the authorities concerned & provide assistance to them.
vi) Strive for eradication of un-touchability of providing access to Schedule
Castes and Schedule Tribes in Temples, and removal of discrimination in
all forms against the schedule caste population.
vii) Report any outbreak of communicable disease especially Malaria,
Japanese Encephalitis and Gastroenteritis to the nearest Primary Health
Centre immediately.
viii) Attend meetings of Village Tribal Development agencies and assist them
in preparation of micro plans and in implementing them.
ix) Assist the Education department in conducting the literacy classes.
x) Assist in reconciliation of estimates of crop coverage with Azmoish figure
for reconciling the crop area for crop insurance scheme.
xi) Assist the department of Agriculture in implementing its programmes and
disseminating extension information.
xii) Assist in maintenance of agriculture statistics.
xiii) Assist in giving information to the concerned officials about any black
market sales of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
xiv) Assist in maintenance of house hold data of weavers both within and
outside Co-operation fold and their economic status.
xv) Issue Dependency Certificate for handloom weavers if any desired.
xvi) Function as Marriage Officer for the cluster of village under the Act for the
compulsory registration of marriages in the State (Act No. 15 of 2002)
IV. Miscellaneous:
i) Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the
Government, Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Collector,
Revenue Divisional Officer, Mandal Revenue Officers / Tahasildar or
any authorized in this behalf.
6. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Hyderabad all the District
Collector in the State shall take necessary further action in the matter


Schedule of VRO and VRA

Tentative schedule given below for this purpose shall be followed strictly
and uniformly by all District Collectors.
Sl.No.                               Item of work                                  Time Limit

1                                 Notification by District                         28.12.2013  
                                   Collectors calling for

2                                 Last date of payment of Fee
                                   through online                                       12.01.2014
                                   Last date for receipt of
                                   applications online                                13.01.2014

3                                 Downloading of Hall Tickets
                                   from website                                        From 19.01.2014

4                                 Conduct of Written Test                       02.02.2014

5                                 Publication of Initial Key                       04.02.2014

6                                 Final Key                                             10.02.2014

7                                Certificate Verification by
                                  Districts Collectors/
                                  Revenue Divisional Officer's
                                  and issuing appointment
                                  orders                                                   26th February

Sunday, 12 May 2013



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Thursday, 9 May 2013

How to Write an Acceptance Letter for a New Job

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, a personal touch can make a big difference.

Introduction to How to Write an Acceptance Letter for a New Job

In today's world of e-mail, PDAs and cell phones, writing and mailing an acceptance letter when you've been offered a job might seem passé. Yet the acceptance letter is still one of the best ways to formally accept a job offer, reinforce your professionalism and remind your future employer why they offered you the position in the first place.
Even if the company offered you the job over the phone, sending a job acceptance letter is a professional courtesy.

How to Write a Resume

This guy's first mistake: putting "resume" at the top.

How to Write a Resume

­You always heard not to judge people on first impressions. Unfortunately, when it comes to your resume, your potential employer will be doing just that to you. Though you may pour your heart, soul and life story into that important document, chances are employers will pitch it after glancing at it for a few seconds. After all, they've probably got hundreds to read, and for a myriad of possible reasons, yours failed to entice them. It doesn't mean you're not qualified for the job. It might just mean you need to approach your resume with a new perspective and armed with some effective tips.

How to Set Career Goals

Setting specific, achievable goals provides direction and act as a measure of progress.

Introduction to How to Set Career Goals

For a few very fortunate people, finding the right career is a matter of luck. But for the rest of us who don't wake up one day to our dream jobs, getting into the right career takes a little bit of planning. A major part of that planning involves establishing -- and working to achieve -- your career goals.
Did you know that average employed Americans spend more than half of their waking hours each day working [source: Bureau of Labor Statistics]? This means that your career is likely to be a huge part of your life, let alone your time. Also, studies show that having obtainable objectives can lead to increased job satisfaction, better self-esteem and improved overall well-being [source: Helms]. With these facts in mind, devoting some time to planning your career path makes sense.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

A few minutes of preparation beforehand could make the difference in your next job interview.

Introduction to How to Prepare for a Job Interview

We all have our interview horror stories: the twenty-something human resources rep who kept calling you by the wrong name and texted her friends mid-interview; the panel of aggressive senior managers who made you feel like you were on trial for crimes against employment; and, of course, the time you forgot to wear pants. No, wait -- that was an actual nightmare.

How to Fill Out a Job Application Correctly

How to Fill Out a Job Application Correctly

A job application is an important contact with a prospective employer. So before you head for the company or agency, make sure you have everything you'll need [source: Job Application Preparation].
  • A good blue or black pen You don't want to ask the receptionist for one.
  • All the necessary information Be prepared to record your employment and educational history, and to provide recommendations and references (including names, phone numbers, and addresses).
  • Copies of your resume Always bring copies of your resume with you.
Once you have the application in hand, follow these guidelines [source: Job Application Tips]:
  1. Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the application form.
  2. Think before you write, so you don't end up crossing out anything. For example, don't put your last name in the "First Name" box.
  3. Write carefully and legibly. This is especially important on long applications when your hand gets tired. Rest a moment, if necessary.
  4. Be accurate and honest. Many interviewers base their questions on what you wrote, so don't get caught in a lie.
  5. Fill out everything. If something doesn't apply to you, write "N/A" or something similar.
  6. Explain any large gaps in your employment history.
  7. Be serious. Humor has its place, but a job application isn't one of them.
  8. Ask for clarification, if necessary. It's better to know than to guess.
  9. Ask for additional time after the interview, if you don't have enough time to complete the forms beforehand.
  10. Check over your application carefully before handing it in. Check for any spelling errors, missing information or inaccuracies.
Good luck in landing that job!

How to Do an International Job Search

If only finding a job anywhere in the world were as simple as pushing a button on your computer's keyboard.

How to Do an International Job Search

Have you ever dreamed of living and working in an exotic locale or making a fortune as an international business mogul? Maybe you work in an industry where all the real opportunities or scientific advances are happening overseas, or you're a new grad hoping to spend a year or two after college experiencing life abroad before you enter the "real" working world back home.

How to Do a Local Job Search

A job seeker looks at listings at a career center in Oakland, Calif.

Introduction to How to do a Local Job Search

Finding a job can be an exhausting process of resume writing, application submissions, interviews and phone calls -- not to mention all the stress, anticipation and potential rejection. If you're focused on a finding a job close to your home, there are some particular pros and cons to consider. You don't have fly to another city for an interview or worry about relocating if you get the job, but you're considerably narrowing the field of potential jobs.

10 Ways to Spot the Wrong Job for You

If you don't listen to your intuition during your job search, you could end up in a bad situation. 

10 Ways to Spot the Wrong Job for You

The economic slump that started in 2007 has turned the typical job search upside down. No longer are companies aggressively courting new talent. Today, job seekers have to do the courting -- and they need to do it well enough to beat out a huge field of competitors.
As the job market shrinks, companies can be especially choosy about their new hires. In the process, some hiring managers are making well-qualified candidates feel like they should feel privileged to get hired for a low-paying entry-level job with no upward mobility and lousy hours.

10 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview

Job interviews are stressful enough without you sabotaging yourself. But you'd probably be surprised how many strikes job seekers put up against themselves before they ever answer a single question.

10 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview

I wasn't looking for a job, having already committed myself to the vagaries of a freelancer's life. But when a huge publishing house in New York City asked me to interview for a position, I couldn't say no. If nothing else, perhaps, I could walk away with some contract work.
As I sat in the lobby, my prospective boss came out to greet me. She was young. So young. Too young. Very young. Not that I have anything against young people -- I used to be one myself. Yet, when I see a person her age in a management position, I know she isn't making a lot of money, which means, neither will I.
We walked into the conference room where two other Lil' Rascals were waiting. Suddenly, I wanted out, but it was too late. We went through the usual pleasantries and got down to business. As far as job interviews go, it went well. I told them all the right things and nodded my head at all the right times, all the while staring at their un-wrinkled faces and trendy haircuts. I even managed to seem excited.
Then I decided to commit hari-kari. When I thought the time was right, I tactfully asked Darla, Alfalfa and Spanky what the job paid. Perhaps it was arrogance, perhaps pride. Maybe I wanted to show that I was doing them a favor by interviewing. It didn't matter. I smirked, or perhaps grimaced, when they told me. I thanked them for their time and off I went.
I never heard back. Go figure! While I purposely sabotaged that interview, many people don't know any better. One colleague said she received a resume from a person where every line was a different color. "We just HAD to write her back and tell her how unprofessional it was." Then there was the candidate who sent in her resume on a cake. Yummy, yes. Interview? No!
If you want to see the best ways to ruin a job interview -- and who doesn't really? -- keep reading.

10 Tips for Your Job Search

Searching for a job these days might take a little creativity.

Do you remember looking for your first job when you were a teenager? Do you remember how easy it was? You'd turn to the classified ads in your hometown newspaper, circle a few possibilities, then show up to each of them in person to fill out applications. Or maybe you'd pop into your favorite stores at the mall and inquire there. Possibly, your parents or another family member got you a part-time job in the mailroom where they work. You never had to fuss with résumés, your lack of job experience wasn't a liability and your salary expectations almost always hovered in the minimum-wage range.

10 Things to Leave Off Your Résumé

Your résumé contains a lot of information about you, but it doesn't have to include everything.

10 Things to Leave Off Your Résumé

Most of us know what key things we should put on our résumés -- recent jobs, important awards, academic degrees related to the job, and of course a clear and easy way for your potential employer to contact you. But how much do you know about the things you should never put on a résumé? Are there résumé items so heinous they might disqualify you from even being considered for the job?
You might not be aware that résumé styles have changed quite a bit in recent years. Things that were de rigueur on résumés 10 years ago are passé today. Read this list of 10 résumé killers to find out why that objective you spent an hour writing is a waste of space, why a potential employer might throw your résumé straight into the garbage if you mention your religion, and why references have no place on a modern résumé. Let's start with our first no-no: a picture is not worth a thousand words.

10 Questions to Ask at a Job Fair

Job seekers speak to recruiters at a San Francisco, Calif., job fair.

The scene is the same across the country -- eager men and women in suits and business skirts, résumés in hand, waiting for hours in long lines for entrance to a job fair. Three years into the global recession, the United States is still losing jobs faster than it can create them. For laid-off workers, job fairs represent one of the few opportunities to meet face-to-face with companies that are actually hiring.
At a job fair, dozens or even hundreds of companies send recruiters to promote their business, advertise job openings, screen potential candidates and collect resumes. Some job fairs are targeted to college students and recent graduates, while others are aimed at a particular job sector, like health care, education or hospitality. Still others are organized especially for women or minority applicants. In this tight job market, attendance at all job fairs has skyrocketed.

10 Job Interview Tips

Don't fall prey to common interview pitfalls.

Introduction to 10 Job Interview Tips

Unemployment rates have historically risen and fallen, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in May 2010, there were nearly five candidates for each job opening [source: Bureau of Labor Statistics]. For anyone looking to land a job, that means one thing: competition. Making the most of every job interview is critically important. You need to walk in and give the prospective employer every reason to hire you -- and no reasons not to.
The right experience and a solid résumé are important -- they're probably what got you the interview in the first place. But they're not enough. Employers are looking for somebody who will fit with the company. They want to know that you're compatible with the company culture and have the necessary people skills. They're looking for the qualities that come out only in an interview: enthusiasm, professionalism and the ability to perform under pressure.

10 Completely Wrong Ways to Write a Cover Letter

Writing a letter that will grab a hiring manager's attention quickly can be challenging. 

10 Completely Wrong Ways to Write a Cover Letter

Chew on this, job-hunters: According to a Creighton University survey of 600 hiring managers and human resources personnel, more than 85 percent of U.S. employers feel cover letters are important or very important -- yet they only have time to give them a 15-second glance. That means when you sit down to craft your cover letter, you've got to do two things: Write a strongly worded piece that will quickly grab the hiring manager's attention, and make sure it doesn't include any glaring errors or unprofessional components that will cause him or her to quickly chuck it in the circular file, no matter how compelling its contents. Sounds like quite the challenge. But don't worry -- it's actually easier than you think. When drafting your next cover letter, just don't do any of the following 10 things.

10 Common Questions Asked at a Job Interview

Introduction to 10 Questions to Ask at a Job Interview

Yes, you should always have a few questions ready during a job interview.

Don't be speechless when the tables are turned on you during a job interview.
Most of us prepare to answer questions when we go to an interview. We bone up on the organization. We think through our resumes. We find books or Web sites with tips about frequently asked questions.

5 Tips for Organizing a Job Search Online

Lots of tools that make searching for a new job easier exist online.

Introduction to 5 Tips for Organizing a Job Search Online

You've probably heard someone say that looking for a job is a full-time job. There's no doubt that an efficient, effective job search involves at least as much time, diligence and discipline as a regular 9-to-5 workday. But perhaps most importantly, it takes organization.

5 Career Planning Tips

Know When to Hold (and When to Fold)

Where do you see yourself next year? What about in 5 years? See pictures of corporate life.

You're hunched over in your cubicle, pattering away at the keyboard with another deadline looming. You're focused on the task at hand, guzzling coffee by the thermos, and devoting your energy to getting the job done. But when your work is done, how much energy are you devoting to putting your career on the right track?

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Basic tips for Technical Writing Structure

Basic tips for Technical Writing Structure

Most things can be described in terms of structure and function - political systems, body organs, games, and systems. Structure is Platonic in the sense that it approximates an ideal form. Function is Aristotelian, in that it describes the uses we have for things. A Platonist might describe a horse as a beast with four legs, a tail, and a long back. An Aristotelian could describe the same horse as a beast for riding and even go a step further to give instructions for riding the beast.
Technical writers combine both philosophies in their everyday work. It's just another thing that makes technical writing such an interesting profession.
The Importance of Information Structure:

Technical Writing Style

Technical Writing Style

A well written technical document is one which is easily understood even by the lay man. Whenever you buy any new gadget, be it a camera, juicer, tape recorder, or for that matter, even a pack of medicine from a pharmacy, you first read the literature that is kept along with the product. Now, if it contains all jargons and is written in a complicated language, it would be difficult for you to understand and use the product. hence, it is essential for you to develop a simple and lucid style of writing if you want to become a technical writer.

How Internet Search Engines Work Ultimate Guide Inside Internet

How Internet Search Engines Work

The good news about the Internet and its most visible component, the World Wide Web, is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, waiting to present information on an amazing variety of topics. The bad news about the Internet is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, most of them titled according to the whim of their author, almost all of them sitting on servers with cryptic names. When you need to know about a particular subject, how do you know which pages to read? If you're like most people, you visit an Internet search engine.

How Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Works Ultimate Guide Inside SEO

How Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Works

It's tough getting noticed on the Web. A Web page can provide useful information about a popular subject in an interactive and engrossing way, yet still attract few visitors. One of the most reliable ways to improve traffic is to achieve a high ranking on search engine return pages (SERPs).
Imagine that you've created the definitive Web site on a subject -- we'll use skydiving as an example. Your site is so new that it's not even listed on any SERPs yet, so your first step is to submit your site to search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How Creating an Online Business Works

How Creating an Online Business Works

What does it take to put together a nice and effective e-commerce Web site? Is it a lot of money? Sometimes. Is it a lot of skill? Many times. Is it a lot common sense and lot of patience? Always! Creating your online business can be a long and arduous process, or it can be done relatively easily. Just read all of the Web-hosting ads and it sounds like your site will be up and taking order before you can say "huh?"

How to Find Advertisers for Your Website: The Ultimate Guide

How to Find Advertisers for Your Website: The Ultimate Guide

Direct advertising sales is arguably the best method to monetize a website. Finding advertisers for your site and actually closing the deals, however, is not as straight forward. Over the past 6 months I had more than 10 high profile companies sponsoring Daily Blog Tips,

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

What is CPM, CPC, CPA and CTR ?

What is CPM, CPC, CPA and CTR ?

CPM means Cost Per Thousand. (M is the Roman numeral for thousand - and so Cost Per Thousand).
This is the amount you will pay the ad-network or website publisher to show your ad a thousand

How to Set or Bid CPM Ad Network | Best Top CPM Ad Network for Bloggers

How to Set or Bid CPM Ad Network | Best Top CPM Ad Network for Bloggers

In this personal commentary I will reveal the best CPM network for bloggers, explain how you can set your own CPM rate and make the most money blogging online.

How would you like to set your own CPM rate and determine

What Is Fill Rate | Importance of Fill Rate

What Is Fill Rate | Importance of Fill Rate

With millions of applications and Advertising sites present in the market, the Advertising space is a crowded one. This creates a huge competition among the players and advertising becomes the default choice to ensure sustenance. Advertising advertising delivers location, context, behavior and other dimensions that promise to

Different Ways to Make Money with Your Website

Different Ways to Make Money with Your Website

If you have just started your website or blog and looking for different ways of making money with your website then there are plenty of ways to make money with your website and in this article you will find various ways to monetize your website.
There are plenty of ways to monetize your website and it is advisable to don’t depend on



Now the time is not only for computers it’s the time for internet. Today the scenario is that if you don’t have internet connection through your phone or desktop or laptop or tablet then you will be far behind the fast growing time and technological society. So it is evident that

Top Best List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic

Top Best List Of Useful Sites To Drive More Blog, Or Website Traffic

Traffic equals money online. The more targeted traffic you send to your website, or blog the more money you are going to make for your online business period!
I am not going to rattle on about how important traffic is to any online business. I am just going to make you a very useful list for you to share with your friends on Facebook or keep it all to yourself lol.

How to Start a Data Entry Business

How to Start a Data Entry Business

How to Start a Data Entry Business

Data entry businesses are needed in nearly any type of business. Now that nearly everyone is online with their work, personal life and businesses more and more data needs to be entered into different programs. This is something people can do for work. If you enjoy typing you might like to start a data entry business. Also, if you are currently

How To Make Money on YouTube

How To Make Money on YouTube

A couple of days ago I wrote a post talking about some British parents who published a 57-second video of their children on YouTube and ended up making over $150,000 from that video alone.
Most people who left a comment wanted to get more information on how to make money on YouTube, so I decided to write a follow-up post about it.

Many Ways to Make Money with Your Website

Many Ways to Make Money with Your Website

There are several lists with “ways to make money with a website” on the Internet, but none of them seem to be complete. That is why I decided to create this one. If you know a method that is not listed below, just let us know and we’ll update it.

Best Top Blogger Widgets And Plugins

Best Top Blogger Widgets And Plugins

Blogger platform has undergone major improvements in last two years. Not only the blogger development team has added several new features to the platform,, but countless new blogger templates are being developed around the globe. Here are some best widgets and plugins for blogger powered blog that can spice up your blog for better reader experience.

Best 20 SEO Terms You Should Know

Best 20 SEO Terms You Should Know

If you have a website or blog, or if you work with anything related to the Internet, you’ll certainly need to know a bit about search engine optimization (SEO). A good way to get started is to familiarize yourself with the most common terms of the trade, and below you’ll find 20 of them. (For those who already know SEO, consider this post as a refresher!).

Top Best Cost Per Impression (CPM) Ads Networks

Top Best Cost Per Impression (CPM) Ads Network
Cost Per Impression or CPM advertisements are another way of making money with your website or blog. Most of the Websites are today depended on Google AdSense but having another source of revenue can help you earn more.

                There are different types of advertisement program like Pay Per Click, Cost per sale, Cost Per Action etc.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Now, with the new SFI Triple Clicks store, you can actually list and sell YOUR OWN STUFF for FREE online!! No kidding! It's now set up so that you can have an online store to sell your own used items or handmade goods, or even digital products you want to sell! Get started with a free credit through me and try it out now!
I know many of you are already using many different websites for

Monday, 1 April 2013


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Wednesday, 27 March 2013






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